Planned maintenance, sometimes referred to as preventative or scheduled maintenance, usually involves a scheduled service task carried out by a qualified person to ensure that an asset is operating correctly.
The purpose is to avoid any unscheduled downtime, maximise output and efficiency and utilise the asset for its recommended lifetime or beyond.
Planned Maintenance Schedule
A planned maintenance schedule is created for every asset according to the manufacturer’s recommendation, the history of that asset and experience and/or other important factors such as legislation.
Asset Maintenance Strategy
Along with condition based, predictive and right-time maintenance, scheduled maintenance is part of a robust asset maintenance strategy. Maintenance plans can be based on date, equipment running hours or, for instance, on the distance travelled by the vehicle. A good example of a planned maintenance program is car maintenance, where time and distance determine the requirements for fluid change and tyre treads etc.
Extend the Useful Life of Assets
In the same way as a car, a sound maintenance strategy with scheduled maintenance will extend the useful life of equipment and assets. The number of assets, ability to easily access them as well as the complexity of the assets, number of maintenance variables and availability of qualified persons, tools and spares will all affect the details of the maintenance plan.
Computerised Maintenance Management Software (CMMS) helps maintenance workers do their jobs more effectively by determining assets requiring maintenance, showing where spare parts are located and helps management make informed decisions. By most maintenance professionals, a good CMMS is part of a sound asset maintenance strategy. For more information about how a planned maintenance system can help your business, contact us or get a free Agility demo.