Sustainability And Your CMMS/IWMS

SSG Insight
  • Published date: 19 January 2022

With the environment being so high on everyone’s agenda, we thought that now would be a pivotal time to talk about sustainability…

More and more businesses are asking us about how their CMMS/IWMS can support them to achieve their sustainability goals. Specifically, maintenance teams are being asked to ensure they have reliable and relevant sustainability measures in place which can be monitored, tracked, and reviewed. Often this involves following a recognised standard that will support the business to set practical sustainability targets and enable them to rate themselves against these. There are a multitude of standards available that our global customer base complies with, these include but are not limited to:

  • BREEAM – Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method
  • NABERS Energy – National Australian Built Environmental Rating System
  • LEED – Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
  • BEAM PLUS – Building Environmental Assessment Method

Agility CMMS/IWMS has been specifically developed to ensure connectivity across all business systems including standards that relate to sustainability. Providing our clients with actionable data is always vital and the connectivity derived from Agility Connect (our API) and other client systems, helps to create the links clients require. For example, data from various sustainability standards can be pulled into Agility through our API to ensure essential assessments can be made against the relevant assets, and calculations related to the standard used can be carried out and recorded. Agility KPI’s and SLA’s can also be put in place with specific reporting standards (e.g., BREEAM, LEED, etc.), and the asset data which summarises trends and alerts can be displayed in dashboard summaries, making the information easy to access and consume. When and where relevant, alerts can be set up to notify relevant staff members that action needs to be taken.

Whilst the selected sustainability standard is important for many of our clients, some also have additional sustainability considerations which can be focused upon, and we work together to ensure the correct assessments can be recorded within Agility whether it’s energy, water, waste, carbon, materials, or pollution related. SSG Insight ensure these assessments then flow through to any relevant dashboard reports or performance metrics. We are committed to supporting our customers with relevant, accurate, real-time data, so that they can monitor and act upon the sustainability factors which will help them to achieve their sustainability goals.

In addition to this, Agility CMMS/IWMS supports clients with their sustainability efforts in numerous other ways such as:

  • Identifying Anomalies – Agility can consume data from sensors and IoT devices and creates a seamless bridge between systems such as those that monitor and maintain temperature levels, to allow anomalies to be detected and communicated. This is also true for things like monitoring energy and water consumption to bring down carbon emissions.
  • Multi-site Management – Agility enables you to ensure the staff member being sent to a job has the right certification and skills, and the right parts, to enable them to fix an issue in one trip rather than multiple visits.
  • Reduced Reactive Maintenance – Agility supports predictive maintenance to ensure you avert failures and extend asset lifecycles, making it less costly due to broken parts or aging parts which could be utilising more energy for example.
  • Less Paper – Accessible online through a desktop and specifically designed mobile app, Agility dramatically reduces the need for paper and ensures work orders, equipment lists, schedules, manuals, work history, contract information, and more, can all be accessed at the touch of a button.

Supporting our clients with their sustainability goals will remain high on our agenda, (as will achieving our own sustainability goals), and if it’s something you would like to find out more about, please contact a member of our global team today.

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If you want to know more about SSG Insight and our CMMS and EAM solution, contact us today.

Our team of experts will be in touch with you soon.