We’re Following Lord Carter At Hospital Innovations Conference!
Published date: 19 April 2016
On Wednesday 27th April, following Lord Carter’s keynote speech at Hospital Innovations, we’re part of the “Patient Pathways” session, 10.10 am – 11.00 am.
Lord Carter will be opening the keynote address next Wednesday (27th) to the conference and outlining the progress made and still to make in the NHS Improvement project. Then as part of the Patient Pathways session, David Hipkin (Group Managing Director) and Gordon Reid (IT Manager Health, Serco) will be outlining how the patient experience can be improved by integrating infrastructure and creating an unified work and information flow. Following the work done at various Hospitals around the world, including state-of-the-art facilities such as Forth Valley in Scotland and Fiona Stanley in Western Australia, we can illustrate how connecting systems brings significant administrative savings as well as improvements to the patient journey.
On stand 224 you’ll be able to see our latest Agility demonstration showcasing the auto-deployment capabilities of Agility with our mini Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) and Agility Mobile Solutions. Tim Tunnard and Keith Bostock will be on hand to discuss our health solutions.